depose|deposed|deposes|deposing in English


[de·pose || dɪ'pəʊz]

unseat, displace, dismiss, remove (from a position of power); testify under oath

Use "depose|deposed|deposes|deposing" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "depose|deposed|deposes|deposing" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "depose|deposed|deposes|deposing", or refer to the context using the word "depose|deposed|deposes|deposing" in the English Dictionary.

1. The witness is going to depose.

2. A Queen Deposed

3. The right to elect chieftains and to depose them.

4. The people deposed the dictator.

5. The emperor attempted to depose the Pope.

6. Dieter is deposed after the ensuing scandal.

7. The deposed chief was restored .

8. The emperor was deposed and his army disbanded.

9. 1931 – The Spanish Cortes deposes King Alfonso XIII and proclaims the Second Spanish Republic.

10. Their criminal ways continued even after Marcos was deposed.

11. The committee deposed him from his office.

12. The king was deposed by his people.

13. Did the king abdicate or was he deposed?

14. They deposed, exterminated and deprived him of communion.

15. The president was deposed in a military coup.

16. He deposed his father in a palace coup.

17. On two occasions in 1992 military men tried to depose him.

18. After he was deposed the original flag was restored.

19. The family even deposed Emperors and chose their successors.

20. The head of state was deposed by the army.

21. Shortly afterwards General Ayub Khan deposed Iskandar and declared himself president.

22. Two neighboring countries and three rebel armies have been fighting since 1998 to depose him.

23. In the war, Napoleon III was captured and deposed.

24. The military steps in to depose Ch á vez and restore order.

25. Shorn of his power, the deposed king went into exile.